Embryonic Development

Bring learning to life with
3D Real-time Embryology

3D embryology models

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Accurate anatomy assessment from Primal Pictures

Measure and track understanding and retention of human anatomy topics using Primal Assessment, the ultimate collection of assessment tools from the leader in 3D anatomy resources for over 28 years.

Improve student outcomes using a variety of flexible anatomical assessment solutions, each designed to improve student outcomes, all based on Primal’s best-in-class anatomical content.

Use and modify the elements that suit your specific assessment needs, no matter the learning environment.

Request your free trial today

Primal Pictures 3D anatomy model, built using real scan data from the visible human project, has been carefully segmented to create an unparalleled level of detail and accuracy. All of the content within this program has been verified by qualified anatomists and by a team of external experts for each body area.

Try for free  

Primal Assessment tools are perfectly suited for:

  • Enhancing in-lab learning
  • Improving remote learning
  • Serving all assessment needs:
  • Structure selection
  • Hiding structures
  • X-ray structures
  • Pull out structures
  • Structure pronunciation

Request a Free Trial:

    Provide your details below and we’ll be in touch about demo and free trial opportunities.

    Note: Free demos/trials are for institutions and companies only. Students, please ask a faculty member or librarian to inquire for you or download Primal's Anatomy Quiz App for iOS or Android.

    Have access, but having trouble logging into Anatomy.tv? Please review these instructions first and then contact us if there are still issues.