Embryonic Development

Bring learning to life with
3D Real-time Embryology

3D embryology models

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Now available in Spanish! / ¡Anatomía y Fisiología en español ya está disponible!

Traducido profesionalmente para ofrecer la máxima precisión

¡Anatomía y Fisiología Humana de Primal ya está disponible en español en Anatomy.tv! La traducción se ha realizado de forma profesional y cubre todo el texto del módulo, no solo las estructuras, desde la anatomía macroscópica hasta la microanatomía.


Primal’s Human Anatomy and Physiology on Anatomy.tv is now available in Spanish! The translation has been done professionally, and covers all of the text in the module – not just structure names – from gross to microanatomy.


For more info, please see this flyer.


Human Anatomy and Physiology provides comprehensive foundations in function and includes:

    • Interactive models and animations
    • Case studies
    • Clinical content

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See why over a thousand colleges, universities and medical schools around the world have trusted Primal to accelerate mastery of anatomy and physiology in any learning or teaching environment.


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    Provide your details below and we’ll be in touch about demo and free trial opportunities.

    Note: Free demos/trials are for institutions and companies only. Students, please ask a faculty member or librarian to inquire for you or download Primal's Anatomy Quiz App for iOS or Android.

    Have access, but having trouble logging into Anatomy.tv? Please review these instructions first and then contact us if there are still issues.